
Selected Works in Progress

CADAA Estudiante Cuenta: The Effects of the CA Dream Act Application on Undocumented Students Success (with Kassandra Hernández)

Corporate Catfishing: U.S. Companies’ Response to the Murder of George Floyd (with Anna Gifty Opoku-Ageyman)

Dual-Language, Dual Benefit? Estimating the Effects of Dual-Language Immersion Programs in Texas

Medi-Cal Expansion for Undocumented Immigrants (with Ale Marchetti-Bowick and Kassandra Hernández)

Publications (pre-Ph.D.)

“Comprehensive Student Support and the Academic Performance of First-Gen, Low-Income Students: An Evaluation of the Incentive Awards Program at UC Berkeley.” The Berkeley McNair Research Journal, Vol. 26 (2019) 61-85.